Fall 2009 / Volume 12, Issue 3
Editor’s Corner – “Yuri” / Drury
CRB Abstract: Complex Protein Supplementation Improves Control Rate Cryopreservation and Post-Thaw Re-Expansion of Murine Blastocysts / Kramer, Ali and Drury
CRB Abstract: Blastocyst Vitrification and Warming: Two Years and 200 Cycles / Conaghan, Fischer, Holmes, Branch, Chenette, Herbert, Schriock, Ryan and Givens
CRB Abstract: Elective Single Embryo Transfer is a Viable Option for First Cycle Patients <35 Years Old Receiving Day 3 Transfers / LaBrie, Lynch, Arny
InVitro Culture of Human Embryos: Effect of Oxygen Tension on Resulting Offspring / Higdon III, Herlong, Johnson and Boone
Comparison of Open and Closed Systems for Vitrification / Graves-Herring & Boone
Making Sense of Zygote Grading: Simplified Zygote Grading Based on 7 Years of Data with Homologous Embryo Transfers / Morbeck, Gada, Barud, Galanits, Walker and Coddington