Volume 11, Issue 3 – Fall 2008
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- Editor’s Corner: “ASRM: It’s Party Time; Or Not?” / Drury
- The Paperless lab – Where are we now? / Johnson
- Paternal Effects On Early Embryogensis / Nanassy & Carrell
- ART Lab Comments / Conversation with Shaun Kelly
- CRB Abstract: A comparison of DNA damage between vitrivied and slow-cooled mouse embryos / Graves-Herring & Boone
- CRB Abstract: Comparison of Tygerberg Strict and WHO 4th Edition Sperm Morphology Assessments: Analysis of 7 Years of AAB Proficiency Testing Data / Jensen, Ryu, Bryant and Morbeck
- CRB Abstract: Elective Single Embryo Transfer (E-Set) Reduces Multiple Pregnancies With Increased Implantation Rates Without Reducing Live Birth Rates in Good Prognosis Patients / Briton-Jones, Buehler, Danzer, Surrey and Hill
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