Volume 12, Issue 3 – Fall 2009
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- Editor’s Corner: “EmbryoSpeak” – YURI
- CRB Abstract: Complex Protein Supplementation Improves Control Rate Cryopreservation and Post-Thaw Re-Expansion of Murine Blastocysts
- CRB Abstract: Blastocyst Vitrification and Warming: Two Years and 200 Cycles
- CRB Abstract: Elective Single Embryo Transfer is a Viable Option for First Cycle Patients
- In Vitro Culture of Human Embryos: Effect of Oxygen Tension on Resulting Offspring
- Comparison of Open and Closed Systems for Vitrification
- Making Sense of Zygote Grading: Simplified Zygote Grading Based on 7 Years of Data with Homologous Embryo Transfers
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