Volume 12, Issue 1 – Spring 2009
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- Editor’s Corner: “EmbryoSpeak” – OCTUPLETS! / Drury
- Letters to the JCE Editor
- Assisted hatching as a technique for use in human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer is long overdue for careful and appropriate study / Tucker and Ball
- Anti-Mullerian Hormone and the Embryologist / Roudebush and Mattke
- Northern California Association for Reproductive Biologists (NCARB) and Bay Area Reproductive Endocrinologist Society (BARES) Joint Annual Meeting 10-9-08
- A comparison of day-3 versus day-2 and day-5 versus day-4 embryo transfers among in-vitro fertilization patients / Sagiri, Miyako, Hiroaki, Terumi, Khalid, Namiko and Yoshitaka
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