Spring 2010 / Volume 13, Issue 1
- Editor’s Corner: “EmbryoSpeak” – The Heart of Embryology / Drury
- Valuable Embryo Mail
- Current Methods for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis / Demko, Rabinowitz and Johnson
- STAT CHAT: Monitoring Quality / Dubin
- Graduate Degree Options in Reproductive Sciences at the University of Kentucky / Baker
Summer 2010 / Volume 13, Issue 2
- Editor’s Corner: “EmbryoSpeak” Speaking from the Summit / Drury
- Clinical Embryologist’s Summit Conference: A Historical Perspective
- Back to Basics: pH for the ARTisan
- Techniques to achieve low oxygen tension for culture of human embryos
- Supplementation of freeze and thaw solutions with a globulin-rich protein source improves post-thaw survival and implantation of control-rate cryopreserved blastocysts
- MicroSecure Vitrification (μS-VTF) Procedure
Fall 2010 / Volume 13, Issue 3
Winter 2010 / Volume 13, Issue 4
- “EmbryoSpeak” Guest Editorial – The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2010 Awarded to Robert G. Edwards
- Embryo Biopsy Technique Influences
- Predicting a Successful IUI Pregnancy Outcome
- Improved Embryo Development and Comparable Pregnancy Rates
- Contamination of Human IVF Cultures by Microorganisms: A Review
- Use of Temperature Regulated Centrifuge (Spermfuge) Improves Sperm Quality
- Please welcome the newest member of the JCE Editorial Board