The Clinical Embryologist™
Dear Subscribers and Readers of The Clinical Embryologist:
It is my pleasure to announce that, in aggreement with the American Association of Bioanalyst (AAB) and the College of Reproductive Biology (CRB), The Clinical Embryologist has now become the official journal of the combined association ABB/CRB. We believe that within this framework our journal will be better able to provide high quality scholarly works and presentations that will continue to address important issues within the clinical and laboratory functions of assisted reproductive technology and infertility medicine. Please look for our Spring 2008 edition where this new format will be displayed in our newly named “The Journal of Clinical Embryology”. — Fred Zander, Publisher
POST-ASRM Ken Drury, Ph.D., Editor
Now that we are again in the “Post-ASRM Era”passed the editor, but that’s pretty easily done. There will for another year, and we begin looking forward be additional clarification made to this change in theto a fresh new year, I would like to present a Spring ’08 issue of The Journal.subtle shift in perspective for The Clinical Embryologist.Inside this issue, we present critiques of presentationsSince its inception, our original newsletter and nowgiven at ASRM in October that were deemed especiallyfledgling Journal, has presented information applicablerelevant and of interest to the lab in allowing us to judgeto all infertility practitioners dealing with patients inand define those characteristics of gametes and embryosneed of Assisted Reproductive Technology. However, that may help classify embryos as high potential this information has focused primarily on subjectsimplanters. Christine Briton-Jones Ph.D. HCLD hasdealing with laboratory practice, technology and other contributed her summary of oral presentation #180germane concerns to technology specialists. The feel (can you say Epigenetic?). Jason E. Swain, Ph.D. coversof The Clinical Embryologist, as well as its content, hasan always controversial topic in: Advancement in become as comfortable in the hands of an embryologistAneuploidy Screening Impresses at 2007 ASRM Annualas a warm culture dish. It’s this comfort level, as well Assembly. And, to round out our reports from ASRM, as the surge of endorphins obtained when turningKathryn J Go, Ph.D. HCLD gives a broad overview of the pages, that makes this journal unique and which the role of new technology in the natural selection of we want to maintain. We do not want to change thispregnancy competent embryos in The Natural Selection aspect of your publication in any way. However, with aof Embryos: A Report From 2007 ASRM.certain level of maturity, expectations do increase. ThisHave you ever asked yourself “what is a clean room has been brought home to me many times under manyand how do I get it” after the age of 16? Well, Dr. Bill circumstances. This is the reason that, beginning in the Boone and colleagues have a rigorously peer-reviewedNew Year (Volume 11 #1 2008), your publication will article that answers that very question, as well as tellingbe known as “The Journal of Clinical Embryology”. you the benefits that go along with the hard work This in no way diminishes the integral part we playentailed in setting it up. You’ll understand better whyin our relationship to real-time activities in the ARTit is so important to construct and keep your ARTLaboratory. However, one of the editorial changes laboratory clean in: How to Design and Implement an that you will recognize in future issues (actually, you Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Cleanroom.will see the first example here in this issue) is the use Dr. Brad Stroud’s thought provoking article on theof “peer-review” acceptance for certain categories of perils of frozen embryo storage and shipping (Thesubmitted articles. Of course, you always have to get Clinical Embryologist issue Fall 10:3 2007) inspired Michael L. Reed, Ph.D., ELD HCLD to consider whether some of these pitfalls may apply to vitrified productsresiding in ultra-small volumes during shipping andinventory management. Read the results in: Shippingvitrified embryos – should we be concerned about exposing very small volume specimens to nitrogen vaportemperatures and brief ambient conditions?
You’ve been waiting for this issue’s installment of TheStat Chat provided by Norm Dubin, Ph.D., HCLD. I assure you it will be well worth the wait. In “STAT CHAT” IV: Screening screening tests”, you will get a clear viewof what’s under the ROC. Of course, ROC is the receiver operating characteristic curve. Having said that, now youhave to read about it!
Were you chosen as “The 2007 Embryologist of theYear”? Thanks to Mid-Atlantic Diagnostics, we all wonwhile in Washington DC and the politicians finally madethe right choice. You can find photos and downloadinstructions on page 12.
Remember, The Clinical Embryologist (J. Clin. Embryol.) is your journal, so feed-back is alwaysappreciated. Send us your comments and/or observations on any aspect of the information presented.Need rapid peer-review? Send your manuscript to us.