Potential for Empowering and Broadening the Application of the SART Embryo Grading System
Amjad Hossain, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology • The University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd • Galveston, Texas 77555
Morphological assessment of embryo quality has been the method of embryo selection for embryo transfer since the very beginning of the application of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in infertility treatment (1-5). However, there is no known single morphological charcteristic available to enable a simple method for embryo viability assessment. Different grading methods have been developed and utilized in selecting embryos for transfer (6-14). The necessity of developing a unifying standard method of grading and reporting embryo quality as acceptable to all has long been recognized.
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