Editor’s Corner: “EmbryoSpeak” Guest Editorial:
The Paradigm of Clinical IVF is Shifting:
The Time to Incorporate Validated Technologies and an Enhanced Understanding of Physiology is Now
Kathleen H. Hong, MD1
Richard T. Scott, Jr, MD, HCLD1,2
1Division of Reproductive Endocrinology,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School- UMDNJ
2Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey
Editorial Comment:
The JCE is proud to present a guest editorial by the very accomplished team of Dr. Kathleen Hong (2nd year fellow) and Dr. Richard Scott, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School- UMDNJ and founder of Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey.
This editorial piece gives a compelling and to some a radical preview of what the state-of-the-art status of infertility treatment will be in the not too distant future. All aspects of this scenario are already in practice and it remains to be seen how many programs embrace the future. There will obviously be considerations within ART Laboratories to accommodate the full implementation of this new vision of assisted reproduction.
Please forward comments about how you expect this vision to affect your own practice and laboratory function. – embryospeak@bellsouth.com
Enjoy. – Ed.